Congress Gets it Right, Leaves Ambler Road Rider Out of Defense Bill

Great news: Congress opted not to include an amendment in the National Defense Authorization Act that would have forced the 200-mile Ambler industrial haul road to be permitted against the wishes of 90 Alaska Native and First Nations governments and over 150,000 Americans.

The road threatened Western Arctic Caribou and fisheries relied on by Alaska Native communities. It would have sliced through the Gates of the Arctic National Preserve, the largest park landscape in the United States and one of the largest roadless landscapes in the world.

With your help, the Defend the Brooks Range Coalition won a landmark victory with the Bureau of Land Management’s “No Action” Ambler Road Record of Decision. Since then, we have honored Alaskan voices and worked to fend off attempts in Congress to undo that victory. Keeping the Ambler amendment out of the Defense bill is a reminder of the strength and unity of opposition to the Ambler Road. 

ADD YOUR NAME: Take a moment to say Thank You to congressional champions for standing strong in defense of Alaska's Brooks Range!

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