Protect Montana Wilderness, Wildlife and Water from Mine Exploration

Dear Forest Supervisor, 

I am writing to express concern about plans by Hecla Mining Company, through its subsidiary Montanore Minerals Corporation, to conduct a major exploration project next to, and tunneling under, the Cabinet Mountains Wilderness. I am concerned about potentially significant impacts to the exceptionally clean water that flows from the Wilderness Area, and habitat for grizzly bears and bull trout, both listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act.  

The exploration project is proposed in the Cabinet Yaak Grizzly Bear Recovery Zone in BMU 5.  From 2019 to 2023, twenty unique bears were recorded in BMU 5, of which five bears were known to be dead by 2023. Mine exploration activities in this sensitive area could result in further significant impacts to the precariously small grizzly bear population in the Cabinet Yaak. 

Mine waste will be stored adjacent to Libby Creek, and wastewater will be released into Libby Creek in an area which is designated as bull trout critical habitat. The discharge point is above Libby Falls, where an important resident bull trout population finds refuge and relies on the cold and clean water there.  

Hecla is also proposing to extend its underground exploration tunnel beneath the Cabinet Mountains Wilderness. It plans to pump out groundwater that may serve as an important source of cold water to overlying streams and other waters. I am concerned about the potential for this tunnel to interfere with this important hydrologic function. 

The Environmental Assessment fails to take a hard look at the potentially significant impacts to the Wilderness Area, threatened wildlife and high quality waters.  We urge the Forest Service to conduct a more thorough analysis by completing an Environmental Impact Statement.

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