Say No to Dirty Gold in the Dominican Republic

In the Dominican Republic, people living near toxic waste from the world’s sixth-largest gold mine are demanding a dignified and just relocation. This includes moving communities to a safer place and providing fair payment for their homes, land, crops and livelihoods.

Sign on now to demand that government officials relocate impacted communities and negotiate in good faith.

Barrick Gold’s Pueblo Viejo mine has been accused of making residents sick, causing crop failures and livestock deaths, polluting rivers and drinking water, and covering homes in thick black dust. Barrick proposes building a second dam to hold toxic mine waste that would displace six more communities.

The Pueblo Viejo mine has been accused of contaminating the local rivers with heavy metals and chemicals. Five surrounding farming communities have been forced to depend on bottled water for their drinking, cooking, and washing needs. These communities have tried to convince the government and Barrick Gold to relocate 450 families that live downstream from the first dam. They want to move away from the contamination they contend is destroying their health, water, and land. But so far, the government hasn’t taken decisive action.

Barrick Gold has also been accused of negotiating in bad faith with six new communities affected by the proposed second dam. They have offered lower than market price value for lost crops and excluded some families from the relocation plan. These communities refuse to let Barrick’s heavy equipment enter their area until a fair plan is in place, even though the military and police are meeting them.

Sign on now to support the rights of local communities impacted by the mine’s toxic waste. Say no to dirty gold and yes to safety and dignity for affected communities.

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Thompson Creek Mine